Found great old shower curtain hooks at the thrift store. They fit the theme.

My house randomly farts the scent of cedar and I’m loving it.

Ok, to be fair, it’s not farting, but it’s funnier that way.

I just love the randomness of it. Although I figure it means the primer on the back of my paneling is probably breaking down.

“Mom, what the heckin’ heck?”

Grounds keepers coming around.

Emmy peed just in front of the litter box yesterday. Day before, she both peed and pooped in front of the door. I had already cleaned out the litter box and I’ve been letting her outside - her first preference - but it’s not helping lately.

Sophie owes every ounce of her begging success to the cat. I will share anything I have with anorexic Emmy if she’s willing to eat it and it won’t make her sick. And I won’t give to one without giving to the other.

Yesterday I fielded the best question so far about my house. “Did that used to belong to the circus?” Love it.

I now have 1000 packets of mustard and 200 of mayo. I was not paying attention to the minimums when I ordered.

Roof repairs are finally complete. Tomorrow is paint and trim and that’s it. Ready to move Sunday.

Today’s Spotify playlist: Desi hits.

Yesterday was Hamilton soundtrack and related works.

I have roof coat all over me. I also have ideas about the next re-roof but don’t enjoy hyperventilating up a ladder. Considering hiring it out.

OMG I really wish flies would stop dying in my coffee.

I am so tired I just tried to paste on my computer something I copied on my phone.

Thank you, juice box wine, for being available for me right now. I am so tired and sore. Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel on my roofing struggle tho.

The sun goes down so much earlier than I am used to. It feels kind of bullshit trying to rush after work and get a bunch of roofing done before I lose the light and the condensation starts.

Studying SAP today. For career reasons, I have to scrap my Azure trainng path (for now) and go all in on SAP. Which I don’t actually have interest in. Well, I wasn’t interested in tech support either and became queen of that, so, whatever.

I now don’t expect to be able to work on the roof at all today. Thunderstorms. May as well change out of my grubbies and into real clothes.

This amuses me so hard. My offspring’s knicknacks.

Accuweather lied. Or was wrong. It’s raining. I got my tarp back on fast but some sprinkles got it.

Oh sure. Fine. The nicest building weather has to occur when I’m on duty and therefore cannot build. Grrrr.