
@hollyhoneychurch Hey, I've been there! When my kid and I went to Scotland to see the standing stones at Callanish, we stopped over in Glasgow to see some places we'd heard of. Craig Ferguson was chased by hallucinatory ducks in Kelvingrove Park.

@Miraz I don't know about my neighbor. I don't see any agriculture or housing going on near them. The cistern I plan to install would collect rainwter from the ground for household use. But WAY smaller.

@odd Thanks! When I get out there to do my soil test, I'll see what I can find out without trespassing.

@odd That's true. My grandmother accientally velcroed herself to the floor with hers.

@springdew There were several things on hold while waiting for the house to close. Now they are done. Such peace.

@Miraz They are so fascinating. I got to stay overnight in one and really enjoyed it. And they cost so little to build.

@toddwachob Maybe. I wish I could zoom in enough to tell if that little rectange is a motor vehicle or a building. That would help with scale.

@jean And thanks. I'll have enough room in NC to have guests without building anything, so you are invited.

@springdew Even though she does in fact get special treatment. She's a little old lady in constant pain.

@jean I think you mentioned that you started that for medical reasons but now it's just a normal thing. I had some yummy steamed butternut for breakfast this morning and it was a win.

@jean @lauralo I still have not had rhubarb pie. Every time I arrange for some, a mishap occurs and the pie does not happen. Or does not happen to ME. It's weird.

@springdew Wait! No! "Squash" baby food is butternut isn't it? I've only just realized. I did used to think it odd to be so very orange when the squashes I knew were yellow.

@jean Good for you for treating yourself gently! I'd like to banish "catching up" in general.

@springdew OK now I'm snuggled up with a book. Unfortunately, that book has to be SAP HANA Administration.

@springdew I still have not got the habit of realizing that a domain name at the end of a post is a link to the full post. Now I've gone and read it and I agree with you. As layers go, this film is baklava.

@bbebop My takeaways were that life is full of wonder if I let myself be awake to it and that my obsessions can doom me if I let them.